(HEBREOS 7:1-28).

Hebreos 7.1-28; Génesis 14.18-20; Salmo 110.4, Hebreos 5.6-10;6.20
-Hebreos 7.2 "a quien asimismo dio Abraham los diezmos de todo; cuyo
nombre significa primeramente Rey de justicia, y también Rey de Salem,
esto es Rey de paz."
-Malaquías 3.8 "¿Robará el hombre a Dios? Pues vosotros me habéis
robado. Y dijisteis: ¿En qué te hemos robado? En vuestros diezmos y
ofrendas. (Los diezmos se le entregan a Dios).
-Hebreos 7.4 "Considerad, pues, cuán grande era éste, a quien aun
Abraham el patriarca dio diezmos del botín."
Abraham le dio a Melquisedec, éste es Dios Hijo, Jesucristo, los diezmos
de todo, y él "tomó de Abraham los diezmos, y bendijo al que tenía las
promesas. Y sin discusión alguna, el menor es bendecido por el mayor."
(Hebreos 7.6-7; -Gen.14.19-).
-Juan 1.49 dice: "Respondió Natanael y le dijo: Rabí, tú eres el Hijo de
Dios; tú eres el Rey de Israel." Jesucristo es el Rey de justicia, Rey de paz:
-Jeremías 33.15: "En aquellos días y en aquel tiempo haré brotar a David
un Renuevo de justicia, y hará juicio y justicia en la tierra."
-Isaías 9.6 "Porque un niño nos es nacido, hijo nos es dado, y el principado
sobre su hombro; y se llamará su nombre Admirable, Consejero, Dios
Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe (Rey) de paz."
-Hebreos 7.3 "sin padre, sin madre, sin genealogía.." es decir, no era hijo
de hombre, "engendrado de sangre, ni de voluntad de carne, ni de voluntad
de varón.."(Juan 1.13); "..que ni tiene principio de días, ni fin de vida.." es
decir, tampoco era un ángel, porque ellos han sido creados, y por el mismo
Jesucristo como dice Col.1.16; Heb.1.7 y han tenido un principio de días,
aunque no tienen fin de vida, son eternos, "..sino hecho semejante al Hijo
de Dios.."
Jesucristo antes de venir en carne (Juan 1.14) era el "Ángel de Jehová”
(está escrita con A mayúscula que quiere decir que no era un angel con a
minúscula que fueron creados por Jesucristo antes de venir en carne; sino
el Verbo, Hijo de Dios Padre Jehová) que se le apareció a Moisés en Éxodo
3.2; el "Príncipe del ejército de Jehová” que se le apareció a Josué en Josué
5.15 y Melquisedec, sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, que se le apareció a
Abraham en Génesis 14.18-20. Pero dice "..semejante.." aunque es el
mismo, porque es antes de manifestarse en carne, EL VERBO antes de sus
días de carne donde fue hecho semejante a los hombres. Melquisedec: El
VERBO antes de manifestarse en carne; JESUCRISTO, HIJO DE DIOS: El
VERBO manifestado en carne como lo dice: 1a.Timoteo 3.16;Filipenses 2.5-
8; Juan 1.14; 1a.Juan 4.2 yCap. 5.20.
-Génesis 14.18 "Entonces Melquisedec, rey de Salem y sacerdote del Dios
Altísimo, "..sacó pan y vino; " ( y lo dio a Abraham por supuesto). Este
vino fue hecho por el Espíritu Santo, como también el vino perfecto hecho
por el Espíritu Santo en las bodas de Caná. Las aguas convertidas en un
vino sin igual, no hecho por manos humanas, sino por el poder del Espíritu
Santo, precisamente en una boda en Caná. Este vino perfecto y milagroso
representa el Nuevo Pacto que es perfecto y mejor que el primero "La Ley"
( Hebreos 8.6; Heb.10.11-14 ) y en ese milagro se confirmó, puesto que el
vino nuevo dado por último era mejor, que el viejo dado primero, como lo
dice Juan 2.10.y también cuando Jesús tomó la copa conteniendo vino
hecho por los hombres y preparado por sus discípulos en la última pascua
judía (Mt.26.19; Lc.22.13 ) en el momento en que después de haber dado
gracias, dijo: "..Bebed de ella todos; porque esto es mi sangre del nuevo
pacto, que por muchos.." (Mateo 26.27-28), ese vino se convirtió
milagrosamente en vino hecho por el poder del Espíritu Santo, vino
milagroso que representa el Nuevo Pacto que es perfecto y mejor que el
primero "La Ley”, confirmándose lo que dijo Jesús en las bodas de Caná:
"Aún no ha venido mi hora", pero en ese momento había llegado su
hora. Melquisedec milagrosamente hizo participar a Abraham
anticipadamente de la Cena del Señor, de una manera espiritual -
Mateo 26.26-28; 1ªCorintios 11.23-26-, que representa el sacrificio perfecto
de Cristo para redención de su pueblo (Heb.10.12,14);
(Ver Doctrina No. 25. Las bodas de Caná (Juan 2:1-11))
-Juan 6.35 "Jesús les dijo: Yo soy el pan de vida.."
-Juan 6.51 "Yo soy el pan vivo que descendió del cielo; si alguno comiere
de este pan, vivirá para siempre; y el, pan que yo daré es mi carne, la cual
yo daré por la vida del mundo."

-Juan 6.54 "El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna; y yo
le resucitaré en el día postrero."
-Juan 6.55 "Porque mi carne es verdadera comida, y mi sangre es
verdadera bebida."
Confirmándole así, al que había recibido la promesa, la salvación para
todos los de FE al igual que él, incluyendo los gentiles, a través de su
simiente la cual es CRISTO:
-Génesis 12.3 "..serán benditas en tí todas las familias de la tierra." Cap.
22.18 "En tu simiente serán benditas todas las naciones de la tierra.."
Gálatas 3.6-9,14,16.
-Gálatas 3.14 "para que en Cristo Jesús la bendición de Abraham
alcanzase a los gentiles, a fin de que por la fe recibiéremos la promesa del
-Gálatas 3.16 "Ahora bien, a Abraham fueron hechas las promesas, y a su
simiente. No dice: Y a las simientes, como si hablase de muchos, sino
como de uno: Y a tu simiente, la cual es Cristo." Isaac, Jacob, etc. hijos de
Abraham fueron solo figuras de esa simiente, Cristo, cada uno en su
Jesucristo, sacerdote según el orden de Melquisedec: Hebreos 7.1-28,
especialmente del 11 al 28.
Salmo 110.4 "Juró Jehová, y no se arrepentirá: Tú eres sacerdote para
siempre según el orden de Melquisedec."
-Hebreos 7.11 "Si, pues, la perfección fuera por el sacerdocio levítico
(porque bajo él recibió el pueblo la ley), ¿qué necesidad habría aún de que
se levantase otro sacerdote, según el orden de Melquisedec, y que no
fuese llamado según el orden de Aarón?." - 7.15 "..manifiesto, si a
semejanza de Melquisedec se levanta un sacerdote distinto," -v.16 "no
constituido conforme a la ley del mandamiento acerca de la descendencia,
sino según el poder de una vida indestructible." 7.22 "Por tanto, Jesús es
hecho fiador de un mejor pacto." -v.24 "..por cuanto permanece para
siempre, tiene un sacerdocio inmutable;" -v.25 "por lo cual puede también
salvar perpetuamente a los que por él se acercan a Dios, viviendo siempre
para Interceder por ellos." -v.26 " Porque tal sumo sacerdote nos convenía:
santo, inocente, sin mancha, apartado de los pecadores, y hecho más
sublime que los cielos;" 8.1 "Ahora bien, el punto principal de lo que
venimos diciendo es que tenemos tal sumo sacerdote, el cual se sentó a la
diestra del trono de la Majestad en los cielos," -v.2 "ministro del santuario, y
de aquel verdadero tabernáculo que levantó el Señor, y no el hombre." -v.6
"Pero ahora tanto mejor ministerio es el suyo, cuanto es mediador de un
mejor pacto, establecido sobre mejores promesas. " 9 .12 "..por su propia
sangre, entró una vez para siempre en el Lugar Santísimo, habiendo
obtenido eterna redención."10.12 "Pero Cristo, habiendo ofrecido una vez
para siempre un solo sacrificio por los pecados, se ha sentado a la diestra
de Dios," -v.14 "porque con una sola ofrenda hizo perfectos para siempre a
los santificados."Y

-Hebreos 10.19-25. -v.21 "y teniendo un gran sacerdote sobre la casa de
Dios," -v.22 "acerquémonos con corazón sincero, en plena certidumbre de
fe, purificados los corazones de mala conciencia, y lavados los cuerpos con
agua pura."-v.23 "Mantengamos firme, sin fluctuar, la profesión de nuestra
esperanza, porque fiel es el que prometió."



Hebrews 7.1-28; Genesis 14.18-20; Psalm 110.4, Hebrews 5.6-10, 6.20 -Hebrews 7.2 "to whom Abraham also gave tithes of everything, whose name means first King of justice, and also King of Salem, this is King of peace. " - Malachi 3.8 "Will man rob God? Stolen. And you said: What have we stolen from you? In your tithes and Offerings. (The tithes are given to God). -Hebrews 7.4 "Consider, then, how great this one was, who even Abraham the patriarch gave tithes of the spoils. " Abraham gave Melchizedek, this is God the Son, Jesus Christ, the tithes of everything, and he "took tithes from Abraham, and blessed him who had promises And without any discussion, the minor is blessed by the eldest. " (Hebrews 7.6-7; -Gen.14.19-). -John 1.49 says: "Nathanael answered and said to him: Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. "Jesus Christ is the King of justice, King of peace: -Jeremias 33.15: "In those days and in that one time I will make sprout to David a Branch of righteousness, and he will execute judgment and justice on earth. " -Isaiah 9.6 "Because a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and the principality over his shoulder; and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, God Strong, Eternal Father, Prince (King) of peace. " -Hebrews 7.3 "without father, without mother, without genealogy ..." that is, he was not a son of man, "begotten of blood, neither of will of flesh, nor of will of a man ... "(John 1.13);" ..that does not have a beginning of days, nor end of life ... "is to say, I was not an angel either, because they were created, and by the same Jesus Christ as Col.1.16 says; Heb.1.7 and have had a beginning of days, although they have no end of life, they are eternal, "..but made similar to the Son of God.." Jesus Christ before coming in the flesh (John 1.14) was the "Angel of Jehovah” (it is written with a capital A which means that it was not a lowercase a angel that were created by Jesus Christ before coming in the flesh; but the Word, Son of God the Father Jehovah) who appeared to Moses in Exodus 3.2, the "Prince of Jehovah's army" who appeared to Joshua in Joshua 5.15 and Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God, who appeared to Abraham in Genesis 14.18- twenty. But it says "..like .." although it is the same, because it is before manifesting itself in flesh, THE VERB before its flesh days where it was made similar to men. Melchizedek: The VERB before manifesting itself in the flesh; JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD: The VERB manifested in the flesh as it says: 1st Timothy 3.16; Philippians 2.5-8; John 1.14; 1st John 4.2 and Cap. 5.20. -Genesis 14.18 "Then Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God Almighty, "he brought out bread and wine;" (and he gave it to Abraham of course). East wine was made by the Holy Spirit, as well as the perfect wine made by the Holy Spirit at the wedding at Cana. The waters converted into a He came unparalleled, not made by human hands, but by the power of the Spirit Holy, precisely at a wedding in Cana. This perfect and miraculous wine represents the New Covenant that is perfect and better than the first "The Law" (Hebrews 8.6; Heb.10.11-14) and in that miracle it was confirmed, since the New wine given last was better, than the old one given first, as says John 2.10.and also when Jesus took the cup containing wine made by men and prepared by his disciples at the last passover Jewish (Mt.26.19; Lc.22.13) at the moment in which, after giving Thank you, said: "Drink from it all, because this is my blood of the new covenant, that for many ... "(Matthew 26.27-28), that wine became miraculously in wine made by the power of the Holy Spirit, wine miraculous that represents the New Covenant that is perfect and better than the first "The Law", confirming what Jesus said at the wedding at Cana: "My time has not yet come", but at that moment his hour. Melchisedec miraculously made Abraham participate in anticipation of the Lord's Supper, in a spiritual way - Matthew 26.26-28; 1 Corinthians 11.23-26-, which represents the perfect sacrifice of Christ for the redemption of his people (Heb.10.12,14); (See Doctrine No. 25. The Wedding at Cana (John 2: 1-11)) ; John 6.35 "Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life ..." -John 6.51 "I am the living bread that came down from heaven, if any one eats of this bread, it will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. " -John 6.54 "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I I will resurrect him on the last day. " -John 6.55 "Because my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. " Confirming him thus, to the one who had received the promise, salvation for all of FE like him, including Gentiles, through his seed which is CHRIST: -Genesis 12.3 "... all the families of the earth will be blessed in you." Chap. 22.18 "In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ..." Galatians 3.6-9,14,16. -Genesis 14.18 "Then Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God Almighty, "he brought out bread and wine;" (and he gave it to Abraham of course). East wine was made by the Holy Spirit, as well as the perfect wine made by the Holy Spirit at the wedding at Cana. The waters converted into a He came unparalleled, not made by human hands, but by the power of the Spirit Holy, precisely at a wedding in Cana. This perfect and miraculous wine represents the New Covenant that is perfect and better than the first "The Law" (Hebrews 8.6; Heb.10.11-14) and in that miracle it was confirmed, since the New wine given last was better, than the old one given first, as says John 2.10.and also when Jesus took the cup containing wine made by men and prepared by his disciples at the last passover Jewish (Mt.26.19; Lc.22.13) at the moment in which, after giving Thank you, said: "Drink from it all, because this is my blood of the new covenant, that for many ... "(Matthew 26.27-28), that wine became miraculously in wine made by the power of the Holy Spirit, wine miraculous that represents the New Covenant that is perfect and better than the first "The Law", confirming what Jesus said at the wedding at Cana: "My time has not yet come", but at that moment his hour. Melchisedec miraculously made Abraham participate in anticipation of the Lord's Supper, in a spiritual way - Matthew 26.26-28; 1 Corinthians 11.23-26-, which represents the perfect sacrifice of Christ for the redemption of his people (Heb.10.12,14); (See Doctrine No. 25. The Wedding at Cana (John 2: 1-11)) -John 6.35 "Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life ..." -John 6.51 "I am the living bread that came down from heaven, if any one eats of this bread, it will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. " -John 6.54 "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I I will resurrect him on the last day. " -John 6.55 "Because my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. " Confirming him thus, to the one who had received the promise, salvation for all of FE like him, including Gentiles, through his seed which is CHRIST: -Genesis 12.3 "... all the families of the earth will be blessed in you." Chap. 22.18 "In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ..." Galatians 3.6-9,14,16. -Galatas 3.14 "so that in Jesus Christ the blessing of Abraham reach out to the Gentiles, so that through faith we will receive the promise of Spirit." -Galatas 3.16 "Now, to Abraham were the promises made, and to his seed. It does not say: And to the seeds, as if speaking of many, but as of one: And to your seed, which is Christ. "Isaac, Jacob, etc. children of Abraham were only figures of that seed, Christ, each in his weather. Jesus Christ, priest according to the order of Melchizedek: Hebrews 7.1-28, especially from 11 to 28. Psalm 110.4 "The LORD has sworn, and will not repent: You are a priest to always according to the order of Melchizedek. " -Hebrews 7.11 "If, then, perfection were for the Levitical priesthood (because under him the people received the law), what need would there still be for another priest was raised, according to the order of Melchizedek, and that was it called according to the order of Aaron? "- 7.15" ... manifested, if a likeness of Melchizedek a different priest rises, "-v.16" no constituted according to the law of the commandment concerning offspring, but according to the power of an indestructible life. "7.22" Therefore, Jesus is sure fact of a better covenant. "-v.24" ... because it remains for always, he has an immutable priesthood; "-v.25" so he can also to perpetually save those who for him approach God, always living to intercede for them. "-v.26" Because such a high priest was convenient for us: holy, innocent, without blemish, separated from sinners, and made more sublime that the heavens; "8.1" Now, the main point of what we are saying is that we have such a high priest, who sat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, "-v.2" minister of the sanctuary, and of that true tabernacle that the Lord raised, and not man. "-v.6 "But now the better ministry is yours, the mediator of a better agreement, established on better promises. "9 .12" ... by its own blood, once entered forever into the Holy of Holies, having obtained eternal redemption. "10.12" But Christ, having offered once forever a single sacrifice for sins, has sat at the right hand of God, "-v.14" because with a single offering he made perfect forever the sanctified. "And FINALLY: -Hebrews 10.19-25. -v.21 "and having a great priest over the house of God, "-v.22" let us approach with a sincere heart, in the full certitude of faith, purified the hearts of bad conscience, and washed the bodies with pure water. "- v.23" Let us hold firm, without fluctuating, the profession of our hope, because faithful is he who promised. "